Extraordinary Transactions and Private Equity

For over 30 years, extraordinary transactions are the core of our activity.

Business community leaders constantly rely on our ability to plan, organize and implement the deal and the investment structure, in relation to both private and public target companies.

We have a strong private equity practice, having worked alongside leading Italian and European operators for years in structuring and organizing investment funds, in the assistance to fund underwriters and managers, and in the assistance in investment and divestment transactions, handling all aspects of transaction, structuring the deal negotiating and drafting the acquisition agreements, the financing agreements, and incentive plans for directors and managers.

The diverse array of our professional capabilities and the close interaction among our departments – banking/restructuring and litigation – ensures the satisfaction of the clients’ goals also when distressed entities are involved.

Our close relationship with foreign firms also enables us to assist clients in complex and cross-border transactions.

Our clients are leading and upcoming players – operating in the international and domestic market – in the fields of: food, healthcare, infrastructures/energy, luxury, manufacturing, media/technology and retail.

  • Value Group

    Advise to the selling shareholders in the sale of their controlling stake to Azimut and roll-over of proceeds in the transaction

  • Fibre Connect

    Advise to the management team in the sale of the co-control stake held by Macquarie to Azimut

  • La Doria

    Advise to the selling shareholders in the sale of their controlling stake to InvestinIndustrial and roll-over of proceeds in the transaction to take the company private

  • Telecom/KKR/F2i

    Advise to FG2i in the minority investment in the KKR-led transaction for the acquisition of the primary telecommunication network of TIM

  • Arcaplanet

    Advice to the Permira Funds in the investment, in the ensuing Group-building transactions and in the exit through an international sale process.

  • Progetto Italia

    Assistance to Salini Impregilo (now Webuild) in the context of Progetto Italia and the purchase offer for Astaldi.
    Assistance to Webuild in the integration of the Astaldi activities into the Webuild Group.

  • Golden Goose

    Assistance to the Permira Funds in the investment in Golden Goose.

  • Engineering

    Advice to the minority shareholders in the divestment.

  • Supernap

    Assistance to the sellers in the sale of the company to the IPI Funds and in the related financial transactions.

  • Elliott/Telecom Italia

    Advice to the Elliott Funds in their investment in Telecom Italia.

  • Lactalis

    Assistance to Lactalis in the acquistion - through a competitive process - of Nuova Castelli, a company specialized in manufacturing and trade of PDO Parmigiano Reggiano, Grana Padano and buffalo mozzarella cheeses.

  • El Towers

    Assistance to F2i in the volultary tender offer on El Towers.

  • Althea

    Advice to the Permira Funds in their investments in the healthcare/biomedical technologies sector with the creation of the Althea Group.

  • Permira/Arcaplanet

    Assistance to the Permira Funds in the acquisition of Arcaplanet and in the subsequent group-building transactions.

  • Bonifiche Ferraresi

    Advice to CDP Equity in the investment through convertible bonds subscription and a public exchange offer.

  • F2i-Marguerite / Infracom / McLink / KPNQWEST/Enter

    Advice to F2i Funds in the investment in Infracom, McLink and KPNQWEST.
    Assistance in the ensuing Group corporate reorganization.

  • Parmalat

    Advice to the extraordinary administration in the listing of the company through the international offer of new shares.
    Assistance to the company in the 2017 tender offer launched by Lactalis.

  • Alerion Clean Power

    Advice to Edison and F2i in the competing tender offers and in the related litigation.

  • Permira/IBSL/Althea

    Advice to the Permira Funds in the purchase of Ingegneria Biomedica Santa Lucia and in the ensuing group-building and corporate reorganization.

  • Intercos

    Advice to the shareholders in the context of the entry of Catterton in the company’s capital.

  • Culligan

    Advice to the company in its external growth transactions.

  • Tiscali/Aria

    Advice to the Tiscali Group in its industrial integration with the Aria Group.

  • RCS/Mondadori

    Assistance to RCS in the sale to Mondadori of the books division.

  • F2i Aeroporti

    Assistance to F2i in the reorganization of its investments in the airport sector.

  • Metroweb

    Advice to F2i Funds in the investment, expansion and divestiture of Metroweb.

  • Spafid (Gruppo Mediobanca)

    Advice in the group-building transactions and in the related commercial agreements.

  • Pasta Garofalo

    Advice to the shareholders in the sale of the company to Ebro Foods Group.

  • KOS

    Assistance to KOS Group in its external growth projects (among which the acquisition of Residenze Anni Azzurri) and in the reorganization of its real estate assets (with the Beni Stabili Funds).

  • Telecom Italia Media

    Advice to the Telecom Italia Group in the integration of its broadcasting activity with those of L’Espresso Group.

  • IEO – Istituto Europeo di Oncologia

    Advice to the company in its restructuring an in the following transactions with the entry of new shareholders.

  • Forno d’Asolo

    Assistance to the Five Arrows Funds in their minority investment in the company.

  • Selma Bipiemme (Gruppo Mediobanca)

    Advice in the acquisition from Telecom Italia of a 20% stake in Teleleasing.

  • Orsero

    Advice to the Group in the financial restructuring and in the merger with an SPAC, with renegotiation of the indebtedness.

  • Tre Marie

    Assistance to Sammontana in the sale of Tre Marie Ricorrenze to the Galbusera Group.

  • Salini/Impregilo

    Advice to Impregilo in the tender offer launched on the company by Salini Group.

  • Marazzi

    Advice to the Permira Funds in the investment and subsequent sale of Marazzi.

  • Impregilo

    Sale to Gavio Group of a participation in Tangenziali Esterne Milano and the related works quotas.

  • Aspesi

    Advice to Investitori Associati in the investment and the sale of the company.

  • Kedrion

    Assistance to Investitori Associati in the purchase, development and sale of the company.

  • Coin

    Assistance in the company’s sale to the PAI Funds and in the BC Partners investment.

  • Rinascente

    Advice to the partners in the company’s sale and in teh related real estate transactions.

  • GNV

    Advice in the acquisition of the company, in the partnership with the Aponte Group and in the related financial profiles.

  • Upim

    Advice to the shareholders in the sale of the company to Gruppo Coin.

  • Extrabanca

    Advice to the company and the shareholders in the context of the entry of the Sator Fund.

  • Bluvacanze

    Advice to Investitori Associati in the disposal of Bluvacanze and and Cisalpina to MSC Group.

  • ENEL

    Advice to the company in the disposal of the Maritza East III plant.

  • Taodue

    Advice to the shareholders in the disposal of the company to RTI and in their cooperation agreements with Mediaset.

  • Ilpea

    Assistance to Investitori Associati in the investment in the company and to the company in its reorganization and restructuring.

  • ABB

    Advice in the acquisition of Polycontrol.

  • Util

    Advice to the company in the financial restructuring and ensuing disposal to the IDeA CCR Fund.

  • Esaote

    Advice to the shareholders in their sale and reinvestment in connection with the purchase of the company by Ares Life Science.
    Advice to the company in the externalization of parts of the Group’s activities.

  • Eraclea/Whittington

    Advice to Alicros in the sale of Ercom to Lavazza Group.

  • Gran Milano

    Advice to Sammontana in the acquisition of Gran Milano from Barilla Group.

  • CIFA

    Advice to the Magenta Fund in the sale of CIFA.

  • Linea

    Advice to Mediobanca in the purchase of Linea from Banco Popolare di Verona e Novara and Banca Popolare di Vicenza.

  • Rhiag

    Assistance to the Alpha Funds in the acquisition of Rhiag.

  • Compass (Gruppo Mediobanca)

    Advice to the company in its joint venture with Ducati for the consumer credit to the Ducati clients.

  • Goldman Sachs

    Advice in the competing tender offer on Tecla and Berenice Funds, managed by Pirelli Real Estate.

  • Goldman Sachs

    Advice in the contribution of a real estate portfolio to the Whitehall Funds and their following listing.

  • Ferretti

    Advice to Permira in the sale of Ferretti and to the company in the leveraged refinancing transaction.

  • Infa Group

    Assistance in the Investitori Associati investment and exit, as well as in the recapitalization and refinancing of the indebtedness.

  • Cisalfa

    Advice to Investitori Associati in the investment.

  • Citterio

    Assistance to the Equinox Funds in the investment and the following sale of the company.

  • Edipower

    Advice in the acquisition of Eurogen and in the related financing.

  • Gemina

    Company de-merger and creation of HdP. Ensuing HdP disposals.

  • Compart/Montedison

    Advice to Compart in the voluntary tender offer on Montedison.

  • Aeroporti di Roma

    Advice to the bidders in the privatization and in the ensuing transactions regarding the company.

  • Valentino

    Advice to HdP in the investment.

  • RCS

    Assistance to RCS in the disposal of Finelco (the holding of Radio 105, RMC and Virgin Radio), in the cooperation agreements with Skira Group and in the purchase of Tramontana.

  • Movie Magic

    Advice to the shareholders in the sale of the company.

  • Dietorelle

    Advice to CIR Group in the sale of the company.

  • Edison/Zephyro

    Advice to Edison Group in the investment in Zephyro.

  • Providence

    Assistance to the investments in the private education sector.


    Advice to CIR Group in the KOS capital increase with the entry of AXA into the shareholder structure.

  • Valentino

    Assistance in the sale of the company to Marzotto Group.

  • GFT

    Advice to HdP in the investment.