Infrastructure and Energy
We have developed our activity in this field hand-in-hand with the intervention of private players in a highly-regulated environment that was once dominated by public entities, and now our work continues alongside institutional investors and leading industrial operators.
Value Group
Advise to the selling shareholders in the sale of their controlling stake to Azimut and roll-over of proceeds in the transaction
Fibre Connect
Advise to the management team in the sale of the co-control stake held by Macquarie to Azimut
Advise to FG2i in the minority investment in the KKR-led transaction for the acquisition of the primary telecommunication network of TIM
El Towers
Assistance to F2i in the volultary tender offer on El Towers.
Advice to Edison Group in the investment in Zephyro.
Alerion Clean Power
Advice to Edison and F2i in the competing tender offers and in the related litigation.
F2i Aeroporti
Assistance to F2i in the reorganization of its investments in the airport sector.
Advice to F2i Funds in the investment, expansion and divestiture of Metroweb.
Advice to the company in the disposal of the Maritza East III plant.
Assistance to F2i in the financing for the acquisition and mandatory tender offer on McLink.
Aeroporto di Bologna
Assistance to the F2i Funds in the financing for the acquisition of a relevant participation in the company in the context of its IPO.
Advice to Mediobanca in the Sorgenia financial restructuring.
Advice to Impregilo in the tender offer launched on the company by Salini Group.
Sale to Gavio Group of a participation in Tangenziali Esterne Milano and the related works quotas.
Advice to the company and to its controlling holding in the restructuring of the Group financial indebtedness.
Assistance to the Municipality of Milan in the public tender for the selection of the private partner for the construction and management of the Metro Line 4.
Advice to the company in its restructuring through a capital increase, renegotiation of the financing agreements and disposals.
Advice to Compart in the voluntary tender offer on Montedison.
Aeroporti di Roma
Advice to the bidders in the privatization and in the ensuing transactions regarding the company.
Advice in the acquisition of Eurogen and in the related financing.
F2i-Marguerite / Infracom / McLink / KPNQWEST/Enter
Advice to F2i Funds in the investment in Infracom, McLink and KPNQWEST.
Assistance in the ensuing Group corporate reorganization.